Monday, December 13, 2010

Stuff, stuff, stuff

     Tis the season of Stuff isn't it? Black Friday, what a concept. Stores operate at a loss all year, until the day after we give Thanks for what we have, and then rush out and get some more, in honor of the Son of God who owned nothing but the robe on his back and maybe some sandals. It's just hard to wrap one's mind around this every year around this time.
     I got tuned in to the concept of Stuff when I heard for the first time George Carlin's classic 5 minute rant about Stuff. If you've never seen it,  Ever since then I can't hear the word "stuff" without thinking of George, may he rest in peace. I sold the guy a book one time in a small store in Santa Monica. Big deal. George was a deep thinker and concerned citizen who had a lot to say about our societal goings-ons. He made his living as an entertainer, though, so he funneled his thoughts through his comedic acts. Blogs came about quite a bit after his prime (May 12, 1937 – June 22, 2008). The term "blog" was coined in the late 1990's. I'm sure he would have a popular blog if he were still around.
     But I really got tuned in and turned on to Stuff when I saw "The Story of Stuff." I could hardly believe it, somebody made a video about my favorite topic.   Great stuff.
     Then I got totally disgusted with stuff when I saw some amaaaazing photos. 
     After seeing his exhibits, I thought I would never buy anything again, ever. Shocking, horrifying, spell-binding.
     And don't get me started about The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, which is now several continent-sized garbage patches. Unbelievable. Google it. Learn. Act.

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